
Results from the EPITeen24 longitudinal study commented on Antena1 program "O Amor é..." with Júlio Machado Vaz and Inês Meneses.
You can find the full program here.

"He/she is young, is 21, and has 15 or more years of schooling. Who are the parents? The question apparently may not make sense. But the most common answer, found by a study to be presented on Friday, still points that this boy or girl is a child of a couple with a similar level of education. If parents have fewer qualifications, then it is more likely that this youngster has been able to go against this social determinant with more reading, study and sport during adolescence. And is more likely to be a girl."
You can find the full story here.
"The so-called risk behaviors, such as school suspensions, belonging to a gang, involvement in physical fights or convictions, are generally more frequent among young people with less education and whose parents also completed few years of study. However, there is a case where young people with more years of schooling and whose parents have more qualifications stand out: the consumption of hashish or marijuana. At 21, almost 49% of these surveyed young people assumed to have already consumed such substances, when only 29% of those with less education had done so.
You can find the full story here.

"The girls study more and try to escape the fate. Boys put themselves at risk and get involved in politics. A study of 3000 young people of both sexes born in the 90s in Oporto, shows that fado has many shades but is still painted in dark."
You can find the full story here.
News article in Público: 21 year old young people have three times more schooling than their parents

"The education level of young people aged 21 triples the parents’. The conclusion appears (well) sustained in the numbers presented at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon, a session in which several experts cross again new results from the Epiteen project (Epidemiological Health Investigation of Teenagers) - a project that follows since 2003 almost 3000 adolescents born in 1990 and seeks to understand how the habits and behaviors of adolescence will reflect on adult health".
You can find the full story here.

"For the first time they go against the social destiny. For the first time parents' education does not determine the education of their children. 64.7% of young people already have a degree or are in higher education, while 20 to 22% of parents have a university degree. For one of the study coordinators, these young people go against destiny."