ISCSP-UL – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade de Lisboa

Lara Patrício Tavares is Assistant Professor at the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon. She is a social scientist with a background in economics - bachelor's and master's degree at the Nova University of Lisboa and PhD at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex (UK).Her research interests include family economics, education economics and social demographics.
Throughout her career she collaborated on several projects: "Labour Demand, Education and the Dynamics of Social Exclusion" financed by the European Commission (1998-2000), "The Portuguese transportation networks, an intermodal perspective (1850-1950)" funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (2001-2004), "Reproductive decision-making in the macro-micro perspective" (REPRO), on the University of Essex’s team (2008-2010), and was Research Fellow in the project "Consequences of Demographic Changes" funded by the European Research Council and developed in DONDENA Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Università Commerciale 'Luigi Bocconi' (2009-2011). Her work has been published in several scientific journals: Population and Development Review, Social Science Research, Population Review, Journal of International Migration and Integration and Revista de Historia Transportes, Servicios y Telecomunicaciones.
At the School of Social and Political Sciences she has taught Economics, Microeconomics Principles, Macroeconomics Principles, Demography and, at a Master’s level, Labour Economics and Education Economics. At the Università Commerciale 'Luigi Bocconi' she taught classes in the laboratory of the course "Quantitative Methods for Management '(in English).
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Helena Sant’Ana graduated in anthropology at ISCSP with a work dedicated to the anthropology of nutrition and health. Has a Master's in anthropological sciences at ISCSP with a dissertation on the anthropology of food behaviors and influences on health. Has a PhD at ISCTE on migrant Indian women in Portugal.
Areas of interest: sociology of health, gender, migrations
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Fernando Humberto Santos Serra is Associate Professor at the School of Social and Political Sciences (ISCSP) of the University of Lisbon and coordinates the Unit of Social Service and Social Policy. He has an undergraduate degree in Social Policy and Masters in Sociology from ISCSP, and PhD in Education (specialty in Sociology of Education) from the Faculty of Science, of the University of Lisbon.
Between 1986 and 2008 he was a lecturer at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (ESELx) where he gave graduate, postgraduate and continuing teacher training and was also coordinator of the Department of Specialized Training. At ESELx he also coordinated the undergraduate degree of Sociocultural Animation. In this period he also taught at the School of Education and Work, the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences and at the Open University. Since 2008, he is a lecturer at ISCSP where he has taught the social theory and epistemology, sociology and education policy, human rights, ethics and citizenship and social policy areas.
He has developed research activities in the field of sociology and education policy and social policy, either at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Studies (CIED) or at the Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies (CAPP), where he is currently integrated researcher. He has participated in several international projects related to diversity and inclusion, education for European citizenship and media literacy.
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Fátima Assunção has a PhD in sociology from the University of Manchester, is assistant professor at ISCSP-UL, researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies (CIEG) and at the Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies (CAPP). She is co-founder of CIEG, vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Industrial, Organizations and Work Sociology Professionals (APSIOT) and secretary of the Executive Council of the RC 10 of the International Sociological Association. Her main areas of interest are inequalities in the labor market, self-employment and entrepreneurship and employment relations.
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Diana Maciel has an undergraduate degree in sociology (2004) and masters in Family and Society (2008) by ISCTE-IUL. She is currently developing her PhD research, with the working title "Gender on the individual perspective: Agency, constraints, resources and opportunities". She is a founding member of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies and researcher at the Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies of ISCSP-ULisboa. She participated to this date in research projects in the areas of family, gender, drug addictions and longitudinal studies. She published three book chapters (one as single author and two co-authored) and a book. She presented papers at national and international conferences.
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Diana Carvalho has an undergraduate degree (2010) and masters (2013) in Sociology from ISCTE-IUL. She also has a postgraduate degree in Data Analysis in Social Sciences from the same university.
She has collaborated in the research projects European Social Survey (CIES-IUL) and Children and the Internet: uses and representations, the family and the school (ICS-UL).
She is currently a research assistant in the project "EPITeen24: Reproducing or going against social destiny? A longitudinal study of a cohort born in the 90s of the XX century in Portugal" taking place at the Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies (CAPP) of ISCSP-ULisboa.
In this context she is also developing her PhD project “Between school and work in early adulthood: new contributions from a longitudinal study of a generation born in 1990” in the 1st year of the Inter-University PhD Programme OpenSoc
She presented papers at several national and international conferences and published an international book chapter as co-author.
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Barbara Barbosa Neves is senior researcher at the University of Toronto and associate director of the "Technologies for Aging Gracefully Lab" (TAGlab) from the same university. She is also an integrated researcher at the Centre for Public Administration and Public Policies (CAPP) of the University of Lisbon. She was nominated and elected secretary and treasurer of the family research committee (RC06) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) for the quadrennium 2014-2018, having been part of the direction of the committee from 2010 to 2014.
Her research focuses on an interdisciplinary and applied approach of social capital, social networks, new technologies, intergenerational relations and digital and social inclusion. At TAGlab, she coordinates research on adoption and use of new technologies by elderly and its effect on active aging and on the decrease of social isolation and loneliness of institutionalized elderly. She also studies patterns and norms of interaction in family networks, focusing on intergenerational relationships. She also teaches research methods and sociology of technology at post-graduate level. Previously, she was Assistant Professor at ISCSP, University of Lisbon, where she taught: sociology of technology, sociology of gender, sociology: subject and method, methods and techniques of sociological research, sociological thinking II, digital media, information and communication techniques and technologies.
Her work has been published in several scientific journals: Social Science Research, Young, International Review of Sociology, Sociological Research Online, Sociology Compass, Journal of Comparative Family Studies and International Journal of Community Informatics. She also has several book chapters and contributions to the new Encyclopedia of Family Studies. She obtained her PhD in Social Sciences (specialty: Sociology) at the Technical University of Lisbon in joint supervision with NetLab from the University of Toronto (2012).

PhD in Sociology, full professor in Sociology at ISCSP, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon, coordinator of CIEG, Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies, from ISCSP, FCT research center. This center brings together at a national level researchers of several disciplinary fields that study gender topics.
She was President of the European Sociological Association (ESA) between 2009 and 2011.
At ISCSP-ULisboa , she is Coordinator of the Sociology Unit.
In addition to creating and teaching several courses in the field of sociology and research methodology, she created several master and post-graduate courses in the field of sociology, family and gender.
Has directed several research teams belonging to national and international networks, under the themes: family, gender, marriage, divorce, work and family, poverty, drug addiction, youth and children/youth protection.
Actively participates in several European research networks.
She is part of the national team responsible for implementing the European Social Survey in Portugal since its beginning in 2002.
In recent years she integrated research teams under the Framework Programs 6 and 7 WORKCARE (2006-2009) and WORKCARE Synergies (2009- 2011).
Has 16 published books and over 60 book chapters and published articles in national and international journals in several languages.
She was President of the Portuguese Association of Sociology (APS) between 2002 and 2006.
Held various positions in the European Sociological Association and the International Sociological Association.
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